Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hello All!! February 16, 2016

Dear Family and Friends,

Its been an interesting week! Sweeping into two wards is quite exciting! Especially because one ward covers the whole stake! So its an adventure! The wards here are great though! Super missionary minded and give a TON of support! They also love having sisters in their ward. I have heard so much this week how excited everyone is!! I'm really close to my old area so I find myself wandering over there on accident trying to find addresses.. So it will take a bit to get used to!!

So my new comp is Sister Smith and she played soccer growing up too! We found out that we played soccer against each other a few times :) She likes to run too, so we have been doing that this week and I got a wake-up call about my out of shapeness :) But it's all good :) We are really similar and we will work well together! We live in member's home named the Tanners! They have a really old antique house and I'll send you a few pictures! :) So I really like it here!!

This week we just met a lot of members on the wards and are trying to find as many new people to teach as possible!! Spokane is one crazy place though, and has lots of crazy people! What has been on my mind a lot this week is charity. I need to have more charity towards the people here. We had a really cool Regional Conference here last Sunday that encompassed Hawaii and much of the Northwest. Elder Renlund spoke and he said a good way to measure our progression is how we treat other people. That was a big wake-up call for me. I reflected on how a treat and feel about my companions, people on the street that reject us, and everyone in general. I have lots of improvement there! So that will be my focus. I want to make my progression, especially on my mission noticeable.

We had a great first lesson with the most golden person I have met on my mission! She is YSA and another set of elders referred her to us! Her name is Shae and when we taught her the Restoration, she ate it right up and already accepted the Book of Mormon. It was celestial. But as always, there is opposition. She has lots of medical problems and is hard to get a hold of and she is about a 20 drive from where we usually work. So that will be a challenge. She wants to be baptized so bad! And has just been waiting for her opportunity! We also have another on-date for March in the YSA. Seems like all the work in the YSA is from members dating non-members and they become converted :) haha so it's fun being in the YSA again! I feel I can really relate to them really well :)

I also had an opportunity to share my experience with the passing of my grandpa this week with a lady in our ward that really needed it! She was really active, but then her Dad passed away of cancer and she is really having a hard time coping with it and hasn't really been able to get herself out of her house lately. So we stopped by and spoke with her. She really struggles because she feels that in the church, we aren't supposed to be sad when someone passes away, but she is really having a hard time over coming her loss. So I shared with her how sad I am that my grandpa passed away and when I get home, he won't be there anymore. Of course I was crying (because every time I talk about my grandpa, I cry these days). But I was able to have so much compassion for her that I wouldn't have been able to otherwise. So I know that we experience hardship so we can truly comfort those that stand in need of comfort and mourn with those who mourn. I could tell that what I said helped her. I just feel so blessed to be in a position to serve those that need it right now. I love my mission and everything it has been teaching me! Love you all!!


Sister Adamson

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